History of this site
Overcoming Triangulation
In April 2024, this site was repurposed to publish long-form work on issues facing Charlotte-Mecklenburg.
The Word
In April 2020, this site was repurposed during the coronavirus pandemic to be a launch site for a virtual space for examination of public affairs in Charlotte-Mecklenburg, with a wide-ranging focus. Posting of new material did not begin until August 2020.
One Charlotte Community

This website’s earliest material was created to give Charlotte readers food for thought as its school district, battered by the Great Recession, rushed into a comprehensive review of its operations.
One theme developed in the material was that, yes, sacrifice was the order of the day, but that Charlotte’s history contained legacies of sacrifice not being equally shared. Could Charlotte do better during this crisis? Indeed, since school resources were on the table, could the cost-cutting not only achieve essential monetary savings but also support policy goals that would improve student learning and overall community health?
The Great Recession is long gone. The impact of the crisis on Charlotte was in fact not experienced by a growing number of its current residents. Yet, some of the choices made then – teacher pay cuts, an explosion of K-8 facilities, etc. – are now baked into local public education realities.
Early in 2020, the content of this site moved to a new Internet Service Provider. The name of the website was retained and its coding and content rehabilitated so the material would be available to host future conversations about the direction Charlotte residents want to take, about their schools or any other community structure or activity. For it is up to residents, and how they direct their public-policy-making bodies, that will ultimately direct whether this place lives up to the possibilities of being One Charlotte Communty.
Terms of use, privacy, etc.
This website is curated by Steve Johnston in the public interest. None of the original material published on the site is copyrighted and is available to all for reuse or reference; citations by URL are appreciated but never required.
Downloading information and files, of any kind or format, from this website is undertaken at the downloader’s own risk. The content is provided “as is” and on an “as available” basis without warranty of any kind, express or implied.
No information is collected about users of this website. No advertising is hosted on this website. There are no secure user accounts. No information about users of this site is sold or shared.
The website contains many URL links to other material on the Internet. This site does not vouch for the reliability or longterm availability of any such information. This site vouches only that such links were operational and in the public domain at the time they were placed on this site. This site will attempt to remove links that become inoperable, and encourages notes from readers to the curator at the address below about nonperforming links on this site.
Steve Johnston can be reached by e-mail.